Reactions have followed the recent ambassadorship deal bagged by Big Brother Titans reality TV star, Blue Aiva with an online store, Payporte.
The reactions started spreading on social media after the document Blue Aiva posed with carried another former Big Brother housemate name from a different season, Mercy Eke.
This was noticed when the certificate was zoomed in and all could clearly see that Blue Aiva’s name wasn’t on the Payporte agreement document.
See some Netizen’s reactions below:
@Tosin: “why is Mercy’s name on the paper? Is her real name Mercy Eke”
@Skyz: “Maybe the deal was for Mercy Eke before she snatched it the way Judy snatched Yul 😂.”
@Besty: “Hmmm maybe dem no pay her well. Then she turned it down.”
@Pretty: “Them no see money print new one so them use mercy own 😂”