A housemate in the ongoing Big Brother All-Stars reality TV show Tolanibaj last came had on her colleague Ilebaye who she chased out of Neo’s bed.
It happened that Ilebaye who has been passing the night in Neo’s bed was not allowed last by Tolanibaj who also share the same with Neo.
Tolanibaj on sighting Ilebaye on Neo’s bed came and remove the blanket they used in covering themselves while she asked him to send Ilebaye away.
Read: tolanibajas-behaviour-should-not-be-condoned-in-biggies-house-twitter-user-says

Neo who was not ready for any back and forth with the ladies quietly walked out of the room.
Ilebaye also left the room while she asked Tolani if she is satisfied with her actions.
While leaving the room, Tolani called Ilebaye all sorts of bad names which were not befitting.