‘BBNaija’ Adekunle and ChiChi has told the currrent housemates how uncomfortable they were during their stay in level 1. ChiChi in the process opined that they were envious of each other.
Housemates are playing the game to the fullest extent as the Level Up Season almost arrives, and secrets are emerging. One fact that came to light yesterday afternoon was Adekunle and Chichi’s dislike of having lived in the former Level 1 building. When Housemates discussed how they had originally been assigned to their respective Levels, the conversation began.
The card game the Housemates played with their partners was entirely a game of chance and wasn’t based on their personalities, according to Bryann. Before being placed in the House, Housemates were paired up with each other and based on the card they chose, they were either placed in the black and white Level 1 or the coloured Level 2.
‘BBNaija’ Adekunle now admitted that he did not enjoy being on Level 1. He found that the talks he had at that Level sapped him more than they gave him. He admitted that the moment the Garden doors opened and he was outside was his favorite part of the day. Chichi agreed with him and noted how being on Level 1 had changed her. The Level 1 Housemates, according to Chichi, were envious of each other because they did not agree with all that occurred. Chichi said, “I was pretty furious with that Level. When Chichi mentioned the paranoia of persons who felt despised in the House, Chomzy and Eloswag’s names sprang to mind.
Watch Housemates’ Level 1 summary:
Adekunle retorted that Chizzy would have preferred to leave as Deji did in response to Bryann’s funny question about how Chizzy would have fared in Level 1. The Housemates had no idea that Deji’s incessant griping about Level 1—which eventually led to his swap—was a Secret Mission from Biggie. Then Bryann and Daniella voiced their joy at not being assigned to Level 1.