5 Diseases That Can Be Gotten From Kissing
There are certain feel-good hormones, like dopamine, that are released when you have an amazing kiss with someone, making you feel on top of the world and wanting to go back for more!
The last thing on your thoughts when you’re in that euphoric state is the possibility of spreading any communicable diseases through kissing. Even if it’s the last thing on your mind at the time, it’s important to be aware of the potential health risks that kissing could cause. That kiss, which appears to be just a beautiful moment of connection, could actually be a path to illness.
This post is not intended to scare you or fill you with fear each time you have to give someone you care about a kiss. Without a question, kissing is one of the most wonderful methods to express love, however many people may not be aware that close kisses that entail saliva exchange frequently spread diseases.
Discover the diseases you might contract from kissing by reading on.
5 Diseases That Can Be Gotten From Kissing
Often referred to as “the kissing illness,” it is brought on by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which thrives in bodily fluids like saliva and can be easily transmitted by kissing. Young adults are frequently affected, and it is quite contagious. A fever, sore throat, exhaustion, weakness of the muscles, and swollen lymph nodes are among the symptoms that are very similar to the flu.
The disease can also transmit by blood, urine, semen, and breast milk in addition to saliva. The herpes family of viruses includes the cytomegalovirus (CMV). and it hangs around the body for a long time in a dormant state, just like all herpes viruses. Fatigue, fever, muscle aches, and, in more severe cases, pneumonia, encephalitis, seizures, and visual impairment, can all be symptoms.
*Gum Disease
Although gum disease, sometimes referred to as periodontitis and gingivitis, cannot be transmitted through kissing, the unfavorable bacteria that cause it can. Regular brushing and flossing can act as a barrier against gum disease.
When someone has an active oral herpes infection, the herpes herpes simplex virus 1 is what causes the unattractive blisters on the lips and around the mouth. Since these lesions are frequently referred to as cold sores or fever blisters, not everyone is aware that they are actually oral herpes.
The lining of the brain and spinal cord becomes inflamed as a result of the deadly illness known as meningitis. Respiratory secretions can pass this disease from one individual to another.
This disease is also contacted through kissing as fluids might be transferred from one lips to another.